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Sunday, January 10, 2010


Great decision is only made by great people. It is difficult to make decision as every decision will certainly have its own consequences which can either be good or bad. When the consequences of the decision are not certain then to make decision will becomes even more difficult. In order to be able to make the correct decision then one has to have knowledge and guidance from the Almighty Allah. In the absence of guidance one may make wrong decision as having only knowledge is not sufficient enough to enable a person to make the correct decision. Many people may have knowledge but few people have guidance from the Almighty Allah. Those who have been given knowledge and guidance by the Almighty Lord will certainly be able to make correct decision at all time.

Wrong decision will lead to destruction .If the decision is made by a leader of a nation then the wrong decision will lead to the destruction of the whole nation. If the decision is made by the leader of a city then the destruction will affect only the inhabitant of the city. The higher the responsibility the person has the more critical is the importance of making correct decision. The ability of making correct decision is the most important prerequisite of a strong leader. The Almighty Allah has not made everyone capable of becoming a leader. Some are capable while others are only mere followers. In democratic system even someone who is not capable to become a leader can become a leader when the party that he lead has wins the general election. He wins the election not because he is capable of becoming a leader but simply because he is able to speak eloquently and move the emotion of the crowd.

In democratic system an ill mannered person can become a leader. A person who is known as an evil person can also become a leader in a democratic country. One of the most important qualities of a leader is the ability to make correct decision. A person who is ill mannered and evil can never have the ability to make correct decision since the Almighty Allah is not pleased with him. He may have knowledge but certainly the Almighty Allah will not guide him .Since he has no guidance from the Almighty Allah therefore when he make decision, the decision is going to be wrong. Wrong decision will lead to the destruction of the whole nation or group. In Islam the selection of a leader is not only based on hereditary or popularity as popularity and hereditary are not the determinant of competency and quality. A leader must have all the good qualities of a man and on top of that he must have knowledge and guidance from the Almighty Allah. A person with such prerequisites is capable of becoming a leader. A great leader is the one who always make correct decision and with the decision he made the whole nation is moved towards progress in all fields of human endeavors.

One of the most excellent and successful leader the humanity has ever seen is Prophet Muhammad s.a.w .With the guided leadership, Prophet Muhammad s.a.w has made his followers to raised from disgrace to honor, from down trodden to dignity, from poverty to wellbeing and from becoming the slave of their desires to become the slave of Almighty Allah. The Arabs used to be pagans that worship idols and they used to behave like animals. None of the great powers at that time want to colonize them as the Arabs are barbaric and their lands are mere deserts with no viable economic activities. Most of the Arabs live on trade and live under poverty line. Prophet Muhammad s.a.w was raised by Almighty Allah to be the leader of the Arabs and the entire humanity. He is a leader who has all the good qualities of a man and who has been blessed by the Almighty Allah with knowledge and guidance. He is the leader that always makes correct decision and when his decision is followed the end result is only success and glory.

In Islam the best among the Muslim should becomes the leader. The best Muslim is not who knows how to recite alquran and able to give lectures in Islam. The best Muslim is the best among those who practice Islam. Those who only knows how to read alquran and giving sermons but not practicing Islam is not a Muslim and therefore are not capable of becoming the leaders of the Muslim. One who know about Islam and able to talk about Islam is not necessarily a Muslim and therefore not necessary can become the leaders of the Muslim. The practicing Muslim should at least do the work of dakwah like Prophet Muhammad s.a.w and should regularly perform five times daily prayer with congregation in the mosque. If anyone does not perform these two most important orders of Almighty Allah then he or she can never dream of becoming a Muslim and the leader of the Muslim

Dr Nasoha Saabin
January 2010
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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